gospeedcheck’s blog

MySpeed by ToHsoft - The Global Broadband Speed Test

Entries from 2020-11-01 to 1 month

When you want to check if your ISP provides you with the speed that they advertised

When you want to check if your ISP provides you with the speed that they advertised The results of internet speed tests can give you an idea of whether your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is providing you with the speed that you are payin…

What is 5G WiFi?

5G WiFi is irrelevant to the mobile network. In fact, when someone uses the term 5G WiFi, it simply refers to 5 GHz Wi-Fi, not 5G cellular network technology. Of course, there’s a little confusion here, especially because 5G WiFi is not th…

Speed check internet connection: WiFi connection vs Ethernet connection

WiFi connection and Ethernet connection are the 2 types of connection that we use to access the Internet. As of today, the WiFi connection is more and more popular due to its convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Why Should We Run Speed Check for Internet?

By running a speed check for internet, you get a grasp of how fast your connection is, as well as to ensure you have no trouble doing online activities. There are many other reasons that you need to do an Internet speed test. Let’s explore!