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What is a good ping speed for gaming?

Are you an avid gamer or a beginner looking to beat some of the best players out there? Well then, you’ll need to know about ping speed, and we can help you understand the ins and outs of it.

In this article, we’ll answer the question “what is a good ping for gaming?” and more, to ensure you get the best out of your gaming experience. So, read on to uncover what is a good ping, what affects ping, ping vs latency and other useful insights to help you game with ease. After all, you want the most out of your gaming experience, with as few interruptions as possible.

What is ping speed?

First, you’ll be thinking to yourself, “what is ping speed exactly?”. Well, ping speed is based on the reaction time of your internet connection, and relates to how speedily your device will receive an initial response once you’ve sent a request. This will likely lead you to ask yourself, “what is a good ping?”.

A good ping is essentially a fast ping, as a speedier one provides a more responsive connection as a whole. And this is particularly applicable to time-sensitive applications where speed is of real importance, like video gaming, for example. You’ll also need to know that ping is measured in milliseconds (ms), which allows you to review different ms speeds with absolute confidence.

What is ping latency?

Ping latency refers to the time it takes for a small data set to be sent from the device you’re using to an internet server – and then transmitted back to your device all over again. Basically, the more devices you have linked to your internet connection, the higher your latency. And you want to keep your latency speed as low as possible when getting your games console out.

But what is a good latency speed? It’s usually in the range of 20ms to 40ms because lower latency is best for gamers like yourself. Higher latency can bring a few hurdles along the way.

Ping vs latency: What’s the difference?

You may have seen the terms “latency” and “ping” flying around different pages on the internet in the past and wondered what they mean, and how they differ. To give you a better understanding, latency is the time it takes in total (and in milliseconds) for the initial ping to return to your laptop. Whereas a ping is entirely one way, there is no return – simple.

What is a good ping for gaming?

Low ping is what you’ll require to get the best out of gaming. Unlike most things, higher isn’t best when it comes to your ping while gaming. In fact, the lower the ping, the better. But what does ping mean in gaming? It refers to the network latency between your laptop/computer and someone else’s, or even the game’s own server.

A good ping for gaming is around 40ms to 60ms, or even lower. For reference, if your ping has a speed over 100ms, it will have an obvious delay. And if you have a 10ms ping, playing on your chosen game will feel like a smoother experience, and a faster one, in comparison to a 100ms ping.

How to reduce ping

To reduce ping when gaming, first use a gaming ping test which measures your current ping speed. It does this by considering your broadband connection. Tools such as Speedtest are excellent for finding out this information for free. And you can source your ping speed in just a couple of seconds. It will come up with a ping score and if it’s too high for the game you’ll be playing, you can then work on reducing it.

If you’re wondering what affects ping speed when gaming, how to reduce your ping and how to lower latency, we have a few tricks under our belt. To ensure your ping speed is always up to scratch, ensure you check and follow these simple steps:

  1. Make sure your internet connection is a reliable one
  2. Upgrade your router to a speedier one; this lets you get the most out of your gaming by “talking” back to your internet quicker
  3. Close any background applications and programmes
  4. Choose a gamer server that’s nearest to your location, as this boosts connectivity
  5. Double-check the game server’s ping
  6. Disable any updates temporarily to improve your ping speed
  7. Ensure you use an ethernet cable to stay connected directly to your router
  8. Always check your cables: ask yourself whether they are up-to-date and if they’re not, replace them

Gaming seamlessly is a doddle when you know how to avoid disruptions, so these handy tips should help you beat your competitors.

Put this knowledge into practice

Now you’re aware of what a good ping is and how to reduce ping latency problems, you can game with confidence – and without any interruptions. For more insights on internet speeds, gaming and even how to start out on Twitch, read our other helpful blog posts.

Source: hyperoptic.com
