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How to Speed Up your Internet Connection

Do you know with just some changes to your router, you can speed up your internet somehow? Not only depending on your router setting but also the position you place the router can influence Wifi signal strength. Let’s take into the article to understand more your router as well as find the ways to boost Wifi signals.
Speed up your internet by changing your router setting

Change your router position to speed up your internet

The wifi signal is the strongest in the area nearby a router. That is a reason why people often prefer to sit near a router to catch the best signal. Moreover, routers broadcast signal on a circle scale, therefore, it is better for you to place a router in the center of your house in order to signals spread in most places in your house. Especially, hanging a router in a large space is better and better.
Placing a router sounds so easy because the position of the router will depend on each house condition, each demand of customers. After all, there are 7 places you will need to consider avoiding when installing a router.
Some hard materials Wifi signal can not penetrate to transmit such as a concrete wall, mirror, etc. Putting a router between a wall and a television, near a mirror or in the corner, you will experience its bad performance. Streaming videos will cause you some annoyance with lag, interruption, or even a frozen window.
Moreover, you also regret when you let the devices overlap. Not only interfere with the signal of each other, but this installment also makes it devices have difficult to release the heat and then broke up gradually.
Not only interfere with the signal of each other, but this installment also makes it devices have difficult to release the heat and then broke up gradually
Lying nearby a Microwave or a Bluetooth earphone also reduces the efficiency of your router. What is the reason? Because working at the same frequency 2.4Ghz, these devices are totally able to influence the signal transmission of a router. As a result, if you want to speed up your internet, you need to remember to place your router far away from these devices.
See also: 
Please keep in mind 7 places you should not place a router in your house to get the biggest benefit of a router brings in. Read the article “ Speed test online: 7 places you will regret placing a router” to understand more.

Change router setting

Speed up your router, you also need to consider the router setting. First of all, upgrade your router when necessary. Normally, after 3 -5 years of usage, you should replace a new one. Manufactures will nonstop improve their products by solving downside, adding new features with the surprising advance in order to satisfy their customer demands. Therefore, if you do not change your router and let it too outdated, its ability is bad and of course, your network connection will not be good at all.
Therefore, if you do not change your router and let it too outdated, its ability is bad and of course, your network connection will not be good at all
When you are looking to purchase a new router, let’s pick up one that satisfies these requirements:
  1. Dual-band support, choosing a router is able to broadcast on both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies
  2. 802.11ac compatibility
  3. WMM support to prioritize demanding applications
  4. Strong signal output and coverage by utilizing new technologies such as beamforming
Moreover, sometimes, you should reset your router to improve connection performance in some ways. To reset, make sure the router is turned on, press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds, then release it. Most computers (including routers) leak some memory over time. Restarting frees all the memory and lets the program start fresh.
The antenna on most consumer-grade routers is awful. An amplified aftermarket antenna is a great fix and a simple way to improve signal quality (and thus improve speed) without the need for a new device. Powered and amplified aftermarket options start at around $10 to $15, all the way up into the low $100s. Plug in an antenna can be expensive but it improves your internet significantly.
Plug in an antenna can be expensive but it improves your internet significantly
conclusion of course, not only changing your router setting, you can speed up your internet dramatically. However, the above ways can create a good result somehow. You can try out some other tips to boost the Wifi signal. Read more the article Speed test: Tips on improving internet speed for video streaming.