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When do you need to run internet speed tests?

It’s always a very good idea and is also necessary to speed check inernet periodically. Running speed tests help us know how well the connection that we are using is performing or if its speeds match the internet plan that you are paying for. Are you curious about how fast your internet speed is? 

If you are, testing your speed to get speed results and your curiosity will be satisfied. However, internet speed checking is not only to satisfy our curiosity, but it’s also important in many cases. Keep reading on to know when you need to test your internet speed!


Running speed tests help us know how well the connection that we are using is performing

Running speed tests to know whether your ISP provides the internet service that they promise

When you want to check if your Internet Provider Service (ISP) is providing you with the bandwidth and speed that you’re paying for, it’s time to check the speed by using speed test tools. In spite of the fact that speed test results aren’t perfectly accurate because of various factors affecting the test, these results are still a good source of information for us to measure our internet connection performance and our ISP’s service quality as well.

In order to get accurate speed results, of course, you need to perform the tests properly and perform multiple tests as well, in that way, you will have a more complete measurement of how your internet connection is performing. Note that speeds of the Wi-Fi connection are generally slower than speeds of the wired connection. And the advertised speeds from our ISP usually refer to the speeds of wired connection only. Hence, when you want to determine whether your ISP is providing you with the same speeds as advertised, you should test the speeds of Ethernet connection instead of the speed test wifi connection.


Another time that you should test your internet speed is when you notice a slower connection than normal

Running the test when you notice the internet is slower than usual

Another time that you should test your internet speed is when you notice a slower connection than normal or when webpages take a longer time to load on your device. Check the speed will help you know if your connection really gets a slowdown or not as well as how much slower it is as compared to the normal speeds.

Testing internet connection to know if it’s okay for you to do an online activity

The particular online activity requires particular internet speed and bandwidth. Some activities need more bandwidth and faster speeds than some others for sure. For example, you will need an internet speed of up to 25 Mbps for streaming videos in 4K resolution, while you just need a very much lesser speed than that for basic activities like checking emails or something like that.

It is good to test our internet speed to see if it’s really sufficient for us to do online activities smoothly or not, especially when it comes to heavy activities requiring good speed and bandwidth such as downloading large files, streaming videos or TV shows, playing online games, making HD video calls, and a lot other more. Doing this will help ensure that you can engage in online activities and perform tasks using the internet smoothly and effectively. That is how speed speeds are able to make our internet experience better.


Along with the reasons for testing the internet speed mentioned recently, there are many other cases that speed tests are useful to you. For instance, when you want to find out which one of your devices is able to get the best Wi-Fi connection or when you want to know how much faster your wired connection is as compared to the Wi-Fi connection. Generally speaking, you can run the tests whenever and wherever you suppose that you need to test the internet speed.


Recently, we shared with you a few reasons for running speeds tests or when you should run the test. It’s so easy to test your internet speed, so you can perform the tests whenever you find it necessary. All the things mentioned above are just a few suggestions for you. Finally, really hope that this article is useful for you!

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