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Surprising Impacts of a Slow Website on Your Business

That way, a slow website is causing you to lose visitors and potential customers even before they have a chance to read about the service you are providing. For e-commerce websites, the impact of slow page load is even more severe. Slow website test free lead to increased bounce rates and shopping cart abandonment


Increase in bounce rate

The bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who leave a site without completing any actions. The reasons why a visitor abandons a web page quickly can be traced down to the site’s performance. A report from Google found that a second delay can result in a 100% rise in the bounce rate. So how to know what your website bounce rate is? There are so many tools that help you speed check your website’s bounce rate, but the most preferred one is Google Analytics, which allows you to find out if your website’s bounce rate increases.

If most visitors viewed only a single page, it’s a sign of something being wrong. It’s possible that your site is facing performance issues like slow loading speed. Running a website test to find the reason behind.

Run a website test to determine if your site is slow

Ruin user experience

Several studies show that the average human attention span has shrunk from 12 to 8 seconds. Thus, it comes as no surprise that visitors will abandon your site if it takes forever to load. That way, a slow website is causing you to lose visitors and potential customers even before they have a chance to learn about your service. Whereas, high-performing sites are more likely to engage and retain users better. Run a website test to know how fast your web load to ensure a smooth user experience.

Lower search engine ranking

The online world is highly competitive. All businesses want their websites to rank high on the search engine to attract visitors. And you are probably not an exception. There are a ton of factors that make websites rank high, and website speed is one of them. Google wants its users to have a fast browsing experience, so they highly appreciate a fast loading website.

If your site has witnessed visitors leaving quickly, chances are the problem is derived from your slow loading page. It’s a sign that visitors are not satisfied with your website. So, the best way to determine if your website loads slowly is to run a website test

Loss of traffic

The higher your website appears in the search engine, the more traffic it draws. Websites that stay in the first few positions in any search engines attract the largest amount of traffic. The search traffic for the first position is 33%, compared to 18% for the second position. 

The purpose of building a website is to let visitors come and learn about your services and work. But if a slow website leads to a drop in the number of visitors or causes them to leave the website without completing any actions, that means you’re killing that initial purpose of website building. 

A website test let you know if your site is losing the traffic

Impact on revenue collection

A website is considered as a cornerstone of businesses. While building a website has become easier than ever before, making money from it is still a challenge. No matter what type of business is, that it undergoes performance issues can have a significant impact on the revenue collection of the site. Before applying some ways to speed up your web speed, it’s also important to run a website test to get a clear picture of your site performance. 

How to Increase your website speed? 

Being aware of how important your website speed is, you should set optimizing your site as a priority during the process of growing your business. You could start using a website test tool like MySpeed. The speed check website score and results are detailed and easy to read for both mobile and desktop and you also get complete.

Of course, our tool doesn’t directly help in speeding up your website. Not only does it help figure out the existing performance issues on your site but also provides opportunities for optimizations that can speed up your website load. 

Here are some tips for improving your site speed. Let’s take a look:

  1. Clean up the HTML document.
  2. Optimize CSS performance.
  3. Reduce external HTTP requests.
  4. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  5. Use a CDN and caching.
  6. Optimize your images and compress your files.

Website test: Tips to improve website speed

Website test: 5 Surprising Impacts of a Slow Website

While website speed plays an important role in attracting customers and improving the bottom line of businesses, it tends to be overlooked. If you’re a web owner, you’re advised to run a website test regularly to get a good sense of how your site is performing and find out ways to improve your website’s overall performance. 

It’s true, a slow website not only turns away visitors but also has a significant impact on your business overall in different ways. Let’s dive in!

Website test: 5 Surprising Impacts of a Slow Website


Now that you know what impacts that website speed has on your business, so it’s worth making time to run a website test and optimize your page speed! Give those tips above a shot to see if they contribute to a faster website and a better user experience for visitors and favor from Google