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How many types of website explain?

There are many different types of websites available on the internet these days. And of course, each one of them has different uses that are appropriate for particular using purposes. Check out this article to learn about different types of websites and their uses. Note that we just list out the 5 most common ones in this article while there are dozens of types of websites out there. 

Business websites

Business websites are also known as corporate websites. Any kind of websites that represent a specific business fall into this category. A business website is also considered an online presence of a company, a brand, a firm, … on the internet. 

As of today, a lot of businesses, including small local ones have a website. Having a website means that your prospect or potential customers can find out what your business is about and how to contact you. Without a website, your business will look less professional and less credible as well.


E-commerce websites are also a business website 

E-commerce websites

E-commerce websites are the next types of websites that we want to mention in this list of 5 different types of websites and their uses. In fact, e-commerce websites are also business websites but instead of providing information about a business, this one aims to sell products or services directly.

You can think of this type of website as an online store where users can buy things and make payments for services or products from a company or a business. Any websites containing a shopping cart and ways to make payments all belong to this category. 

Different types of websites and their uses: Blogs

Unlike e-commerce websites and business/corporate websites, blogs just offer reading materials, featuring regularly updated writings and articles, as well as photos and videos. Despite that fact, this type of website can still be used to sell products or services like books written by the blog’s owner or advertising space on the blogs. 

Though blogs firstly started as a trend for individuals, they have been widely used by businesses as a channel to update customers and provide them with valuable, informative content. That’s the reason why more and more businesses and brands have their own blogs. 


Blogs just offer reading materials, featuring regularly updated writings, articles, videos, and images

News and Magazine websites

Not like blogs, news and magazine websites are focused a lot more on journalism, news stories, or other reporting rather than hobbies and personal interests.

To be specific, there are a few differences between news websites and entertainment websites. The main purpose of news sites is to keep the reader stay updated on current affairs, whereas online magazines focus more on entertainment. CNN and ELLE are examples of news websites and entertainment websites, respectively. 

Similar to some other different types of websites and their uses, these types of websites make their income either through advertisements showing up on the sites, or through subscription models, or even some combination of these two. Of course, the content and information on news and magazine websites are regularly updated.

Educational websites

The fifth one in the list of 5 different types of websites and their uses we want to introduce to you here are educational websites. They are types of websites that use any combination of articles, writings, videos, games, and images to educate their audience.

Well, websites of schools and educational institutions as well as websites providing their users with online courses all fall into this category. The major goal of these websites is to supply useful educational materials to the visitors or to give them the necessary information on an educational institution and its courses.


As mentioned before, there are a lot of different types of websites out there. Together with the ones listed above, social media websites, non-profit websites, crowdfunding websites, photo sharing websites, etc are also quite common types of websites to use. 


Recently, we have learned about some different types of websites and their uses. They are all basic types that you found so common, right? Well, that’s all for today’s article. Hope that this writing and its information was interesting and useful to you. 

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