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How can I get a good ping for DOTA 2?

Getting a good ping for DOTA 2 is a wish which gamers want to get it. But how to do it? Ping is the quality of network connection you are using to play the DOTA 2 game, therefore, let’s find out the possible ways to improve the playing-game performance.


How can I get a good ping for DOTA 2?

What does ping mean? What is a normal ping in DOTA 2?

Ping refers to how long information sent out from the source to the connector and back again. It also represents the quality of the internet connection you are using to play Dota 2. Thus, the lower ping you get, the smoother your game will run. 

If you play Dota 2 the timing between these describes how fast the actions are translated on your end device, while zero (0ms) would be 100% live. Low ping means that it allows your request of game playing manipulations to happen quicker and get more chances to get a victory. A lower ping is essential to play and react well as well as the gaming devices also often need translation time because the monitor often needs 2ms – 20ms to print the actions onto your screen.

The average ping can vary according to the selection of region and internet connection. However, in general, the average normal ping is in the range of 80 to 110ms, but in some states, the average ping is just 30 due to close geography.


 In general, the average normal ping is in the range of 80 to 110ms, but in some states, the average ping is just 30 due to close geography

Conducting the ping test online to measure the ping speed of your network connection, have you got a good ping for DOTA 2?



0ms – 50ms

Awesome Ping

51ms – 100ms

Decent Ping

101ms – 150ms

The Ping could start to be a problem…


Bad Ping with serious problems and delay!


How to get a good ping for DOTA 2?

If you do not get a good ping, do not too worry. Let’s try these tips below to improve the gaming performance.

  1. Using wired connection instead of wireless connection

Wireless technology has been developed and existed everywhere, however, it still has some problems with Wifi signal strength. On the other hand, wired connections tackle these problems somehow. They can be able to offer stronger signal, faster and stable speed. Whenever you have the chance to use a cable, do it to get a good gaming experience.


Using wired connection instead of wireless connection


  1. Windows and other operating systems

Sometimes, windows and other operating systems can lead to ridiculous problems while playing Dota 2: The updating process can consume half of the strength of your internet speed, which means you play Dota 2 at just the rest of the strength. Thus, before firing up a match, make sure to shut down all windows updates and application downloads. Besides, you also should not run any heavy software in the background. 

This method is highly effective, and maybe only by using this, your connection problems will sort out. Check which software tools are active, open your task manager and reduce the number of apps.


  1. Check the back-end of your wired connection

The material of wired connection also can be a factor marking a good ping. If the back-end wire is made of copper then immediately switch it to fiber optics because the rate of transfer of fiber wire is 10 times stronger than ordinary wire.


  1. Check out your router version

Check if your router is in good condition or not. Pay excellent attention to the network cables and ports because they are the main components of a good internet connection.

If you have enough finance, you can invest to own a gaming router. It will provide the fastest internet speed and lowest ping. Your playing game speeds must have been boosted.


If you have enough finance, you can invest to own a gaming router. It will provide the fastest internet speed and lowest ping


How can I get a good ping for DOTA 2?  Hope you already get the perfect answer yourself. Only a tip can not work well, therefore, you should try out as many tips as possible in order to raise the ability of good gaming performance.

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