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How to increase download speed? Just restarting!

How to increase download speed? Just restarting! Ti sounds so strange but you must have been so surprised at the effectiveness of restarting when you solve slow internet. Why - What and How to restart in order to speed up your internet? Let’s dive into the article to find the answers.


How to increase download speed? Just restarting!

How to increase download speed? Just restarting!

Internet speeds are going up but people still want faster and faster speed. Gamers want to experience flawless video game play, and families want to connect multiple devices smoothly without degradation to their bandwidth. There is tons of advice, tips to speed up your internet. One of them is to simply restart. Just restarting can result in surprising consequence.

  1. Restart your computer

Restart your computer is to release RAM. Your computer slows down, the reason may be  that its Random Access Memory (RAM) is being used too much. All things use RAM from the operating system to the programs you are running. However, there's only so much of it, and it can only be accessed so fast. If your computer takes up a lot of RAM, its performance will taper off. It needs to create files extra swap files on the hard drive to act as extra, but less efficient, "RAM". This, among other things, makes your computer slow down.


How to increase download speed? Just restarting your computer

When you disable some programs, applications, this thing can free up RAM space, but memory leaks may have occurred. The reason is that the program/ application may have accidentally consume RAM that it did not free up when it closed. Therefore, If you restart the computer, all the RAM is cleared out. 

Moreover, a restart can do more than you think. For example, if a program somehow begins to use a huge amount of processor cycles (each cycle consists of a calculation, and all of these calculations make your computer "compute", aka work). With a restart, the control of the processor is unconditionally given to the bootloader, and then it is handed off to the OS, which can start from scratch. It is no longer being dominated by the greedy program.

How to speed up your internet? Restarting your somputer should be the first thing you think to solve this problem. 

  1. Restart your router

If you restart your comouter and see nothing positive changes, let’s restart your router. Try to shut the power off on your router and turn it back on. This action may not give you a fast internet connection speed permanently but it can improve your connection speed, in a way. How to increase download speed? How to speed up your internet? You can try to restart your router. 


The router is the hardware, and within the hardware is software that is running the operation. Just like you may have to reboot your computer because it is running slow, the same also applies to a router. Occasionally, the hardware and software stop matching correctly, and your job is to reboot to re-sync them together.

If there are multiple devices in your household and you get a terrible lag, then a logical choice may be to reboot the router. After the reboot, you may find that things are running faster. But in fact, there maybe someone else in the house who was just downloading some bandwidth-sucking content.


If there are multiple devices in your household and you get a terrible lag, then a logical choice may be to reboot the router

To sum up, unplugging your router can improve Internet speeds from their current state but it is not possible to improve your overall Internet speed. 


Once again, how to speed up your internet? How to increase download speed? Restart! This is the quickest way but effective in some way. If you meet slow internet connection, this way can be the first solution you should try.